How to Pay Your Parking Charge.
How to make a payment for a pending or active Court Claim.
Please have your Reference Number ready, which can be found in the top right hand corner of your parking charge. You will also need the vehicle registration mark (number plate) the parking charge was issued to and your debit/credit card details, alternatively if your device supports it you can use one of the integrated payment options including Apple Pay, Google Pay and Microsoft Pay.
You can use most major credit or debit cards to make payment via this site.
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You can also use our dedicated telephone line for making payments over the phone. Our number is 0344 545 5450 and is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
We use 3D secure to verify your payment with your bank and use SSL encryption protected by Transport Layer Security (TLS) to ensure secure processing of your card data. Payments are processed in accordance with the PCI DSS Standards.
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